Local Time
- Timezone: Africa/Johannesburg
- Date: Feb 17 - 18 2022
- Time: All Day
Labour Relations Aligned
This course will teach line managers how to effectively chair a disciplinary hearing. This course gives a practical hands-on approach to dealing with discipline in the workplace and how to conduct disciplinary hearings in line with the principles of fairness and equity as envisaged by the Labour Relations Act is covered.
Misconduct issues of absenteeism, intoxication on duty, theft and many other issues of misconduct are dealt with from the perspective of relevant case law and codes of good practice. Therefore, the course also covers how managers can deal with issues of poor performance, such as tardiness, idleness, inefficiency and laziness, with confidence and consistency. Medical incapacity and prolonged illness in the workplace are also becoming common. In this case, we also look at procedures needed for conducting fair retrenchments. Lastly, the course also gives an overview of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act.
- US: 114278