Local Time
- Timezone: Africa/Johannesburg
- Date: Feb 08 - 09 2022
- Time: All Day
Anger Management Workshop
South Africans live under extreme levels of stress. Many of us do not know how to deal with anger and frustration. Misdirected anger is evident in:
- road rage incidents;
- violence against women and children;
- acts of criminality;
- family feuds; and
- incidents at sports events.
The primary challenge when it comes to anger caused by stress is that it is also expressed inappropriately in the workplace, leading to a breakdown of good interpersonal relationships and harmony. Is your anger under control when it comes to managing people in the workplace? Are you able to control and direct your anger in the workplace in ways that are constructive and productive? Is anger an obstacle to your career development and growth?
This course is designed for supervisors, team leaders and employees dealing with people both inside and outside their workplaces. It aims to assist people with the necessary skills to identify the anger in themselves and others, understand the causes of anger and explore methods to deal with and express anger in acceptable ways.